Fandom Lenses

Life as viewed through silliness, Fandom as seen through Reality


My Favorite Podcasts: Never Gets Old and Nerdist (Part 1 of 2)

My Favorite PodcastsI run hot and cold on podcasts. I go through phases where I subscribe to a dozen of them for my commutes and repetitive work tasks, and other times where I don’t listen at all, opting instead for music or good ol’ NPR. I’m not sure if it’s burnout from both news (increasingly depressing/infuriating) and my playlists (repetitive, but I lack time to take on new artists), but right now I’m very into podcasts. There are four that I’m listening to pretty regularly at the moment, and I highly recommend them to anyone with an interest. I’ll cover two of them today, and the other two on Thursday. Continue reading